42nd Arbaeen Procession London, UK Volunteers 2022

Welcome to the Volunteers’ page! Below are some guidelines and what we expect of our star volunteers!
Volunteer registration for the 44th Arbaeen UK Procession of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is NOW OPEN.
Want to volunteer, but you are under 16? We are looking for young volunteers to hold our flags, banners and Lady Sakina’s (a.s) lanterns. Sign up now if you are interested.
What does a Volunteer do?
We need your help before the Procession as much as we do on the day! This includes planning, organising, creating and spreading the word! Check out our social media sites and scroll down to take a look at our teams.
What is expected of Volunteers?
It’s simple – all volunteers, regardless of age, gender or team – are expected to remain professional, calm and diligent at all times!
Please remember to stay alert of your duties, keep your eyes and ears peeled for potential threats and to be respectful and polite to attendees.
All volunteers must be dressed appropriately.
- Plain, loose and black clothing only
- Observe hijaab at all times (girls and boys!)
- Weather-appropriate clothing! Bring gloves/coats/suitable shoes as you will be on your feet and outside all day!
- It will be dark by the time the Procession is nearing it’s end. Bring a torch if you can!
Rope & Flow Control

Keeping the procession in one lane using the ropes and making sure that the Procession is moving at a safe and steady pace with no gaps in between.
Information & Education

Communicating with the public and answering questions about who we are and why we are here.
VIP/ Media

To escort and guide any VIPs (politicians, scholars etc) and Media throughout the procession, showing and explaining different aspects of the procession.

Situated outside the Procession. responsible for ensuring attendees are within the procession and not out, especially on the green verges (which must be kept clean and clear!)

To carry and hold the portable speakers through the Procession and during prayers/speeches
Drinks & Equipment

Responsible for signing in/out Sign in and out all the Placards, banners, alams, radios and megaphones, responsible for removing any political/inappropriate posters, signs etc, and deliver and distribute drinks at the halfway point
Zari, Flag & Zuljanah

To distribute flags and main the location and integrity of the flag, Zaris (Monuments) and Zuljanah.
Distribution (tabbarukh)

Setting up Tabbarukh (food/drink) stations and distributing to all attendees quickly and efficiently

To distribute lanterns of Lady Sakina (عليه السلام), watch over the children and collect the lanterns before the children go home/end of procession.

To be available to deal with any issues or incidents that will require further attention – unapproved leaflets, unattended bags etc.

To be vigilant and help in all medical issues.

Stewards are team leaders responsible for the various departments and teams of the Procession. Volunteers are expected to follow the instructions of these dedicated and responsible individuals. Volunteers who are interested in becoming Stewards should contact a Senior Steward (member of the core team).
Sign up now to answer Imam Husain’s call and volunteer at the UK’s Arbaeen Procession!
Be part of the team, now!
Under 16s
We like to encourage the younger members of our community to get involved with spreading the message of the Ahlulbayt. We are always looking for eager boys and girls to hold alams, flags and carry the lanterns of Lady Sakina (عليه السلام).
If you are interested in becoming one of these volunteers, get an adult to sign you up using our special Under 16s form.